Organization name
Life Gets Better Together, Inc.
other names
Better Together Housing NJ
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Children & Family , Humanitarian Aid
Broad StNewark, NJ 07108
$3,715 raised by 42 donors
100% complete
$3,000 Goal
We are Life Gets Better Together! Our mission is to help and empower youth and young adults who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ between the ages of 16-24 by providing quality emergency, supervised, and supportive transitional housing. We plan to offer a wrap-around approach, which consists of weekly case management, life skills training, group/individual counseling, as well as educational resources. While Life Gets Better Together Inc. is a safe haven for LGBTQIA2S+ youth and young adults during their stay, we also wish to provide ongoing services through our aftercare program.
Our vision is to improve access to housing, improve mental and physical health outcomes, reduce incarcerations, foster positive family relationships, and create a sense of stability and safety among the LGBTQIA2S+ population within the city of Newark, NJ. Currently, we are in the process of securing a location within the city. We plan to achieve this by soliciting donations, obtaining grant funding, and partnering with community organizations.
Life Gets Better Together....with YOU! Please donate to help improve the lives of LGBTQIA2S+ youth and young adults.
Organization name
Life Gets Better Together, Inc.
other names
Better Together Housing NJ
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Children & Family , Humanitarian Aid
Broad St