Organization name
Kids Read Now
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Community
55 Marybill Drive S.Troy, OH 45373
“This is a great program that puts books in the hands of children that may not otherwise have means to books at their age level. I am very thankful that our school participates in this program. Thank you.” – Audrea (Coopersville, MI)
Kids Read Now is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization partnering with hundreds of schools across the country to eliminate learning loss and close the achievement gap for K-5 students.
Every student enrolled in Kids Read Now in-home reading programs through his/her school gets to choose free books to receive and keep! The Wish List the kids pick from includes more than 150 bestselling titles, including many bilingual choices and award winners! Students receive a special My Stories book book of creative writing prompts at the close of the summer program, full of colorful and interesting illustrations. My Stories invites children to use their imaginations to create their very own stories! Each Kids Read Now book includes a Discovery Sheet full of reading activities that increase comprehension, critical thinking skills, and creative problem-solving.
“We love Kids Read Now. He started in kindergarten, now in second grade! He loves getting the books in the mail and reading them over and over. This year he learned to call and report the book code all by himself! Thank you Kids Read Now-we really love the program!” – Rita (Nicholas County, WV)
Parental engagement is a big part of Kids Read Now. Reaching out to parents every week via email, phone, or text to remind them to read and report books, and to offer special tips and tricks to foster a love of reading in their children. Kids who report all their books as read by the end of the summer receive certificates and reading buddies to celebrate their accomplishments.
“My boy was so excited to get a book in the mail. It’s like a gift in the mail-leaves him wanting to read more books.” - Dani (American Falls, ID)
Kids Read Now WORKS! The full impact of KRN Is equivalent to approximately 2.5 months of learning, or nearly 28% of the learning that takes place over a typical school year. These results suggest that the KRN program may compensate for the average 2 months of summer learning loss experienced by low-income students and, in some cases, more than eradicate it. Learn more at
“Mia could not wait for the next book to come in the mail for her she would read it immediately! It’s a great program that joins school and home together to improve reading skills and grades along with the level the child reads at! Thanks so much!” – Cole (Mineral County, WV)
Organization name
Kids Read Now
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Community
55 Marybill Drive S.