Organization name
Kceoc Community Action Partnership Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community , Economic Development
The poverty rate for Eastern Kentucky is 33% higher than the rest of the state. Poverty is real, but together we are making a difference.
It's been 50 years since President Johnson declared a War on Poverty and signed the Economic Opportunity Action in 1964. Community Action was born that January. By December of the same year, KCEOC Community Action Partnership was created as one of the first Community Action Agency's in the country. For the first time, power and tools were given to local people living in poor communities. The silent suffering of the poor was replaced by a strong voice.
Since then, poverty has declined by more than 1/3 in America. Community Action has played a large part in this success, but the War on Poverty has not yet been won.
Since its inception, KCEOC Community Action Partnership has provided qualtiy programs and services to the low-income in Eastern Kentucky. Each year, KCEOC helps over 7,000 people achieve financial stability through programs such as Head Start, Weatherization, job training and placement, financial education, housing, and energy assistance.
There is more work to be done. This is a fight that takes time and we must not abandon our efforts as a nation to increase opportunity for all of our citizens. With your help we can continue to increase opportunities for the poor to help themselves out of poverty.
Organization name
Kceoc Community Action Partnership Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community , Economic Development
PO BOX 490