Organization name
Homeless and Housing Coalition of Kentucky
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Economic Development , Humanitarian Aid
(502) 223-1834
The only state‐wide advocacy organization for issues of homelessness and affordable housing, HHCK is a coalition of 74 individuals and organizations working together to eliminate the threat of homelessness and fulfill the promise of safe, decent, and affordable housing for all Kentuckians.
As an active lobbying organization, advocacy has been the main priority of HHCK since 1987. We make the case for affordable homes that meet the needs of low‐income Kentuckians and focus on educating the public and legislature about housing and homeless issues. HHCK’s advocacy victories include the creation of a permanent funding source for the Kentucky Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
Coordinated Entry is a system by which people experiencing homelessness may be connected to limited available HUD-funded housing resources and supportive services in their community to end homelessness around the state. The Kentucky Balance of State Continuum of Care’s Any Door KY system is accessible to eligible individuals and families by visiting local homeless service providers and shelters around the state. Any Door Kentucky operates at the local level with the help of Lead Agencies representing each of the 15 Area Development Districts (with exception to Louisville and Lexington). HHCK serves as the regional Lead Agency for Bluegrass Local Prioritization Community (LPC). The Bluegrass LPC and its partner agencies serve as the main access points for Kentucky’s Any Door system within the 16 county Central Kentucky ADD. HHCK oversees the regional system, maintains the prioritization list and coordinates all housing resource prioritization and referrals to the region’s most vulnerable community members experiencing chronic homelessness and high service needs. In October 2017, HHCK hired a Housing Navigator (HN) who works to quickly connect people experiencing homelessness to available, safe, decent and affordable housing. The HN works to lessen the time spent homeless on the street or in shelters to quickly identify and connect people to housing options that fit their unique needs.
HHCK offers 3 Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) programs for chronically homeless individuals and families with disabilities in Kentucky: Housing Now, Housing First and Samaritan. These programs offer a housing voucher (within the service region) paired with intensive housing-focused case management and supportive services and follow the Housing First low barrier model. In addition to the PSH program, HHCK administers a statewide Home Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program to assist formerly homeless and low-income families with housing subsidies.
HST staff offer low-barrier, client-focused services to assist those experiencing homelessness identify, access and maintain safe, decent and affordable housing. The Housing Stabilization Specialist and Homes for All AmeriCorps Case Manager provide in home housing-focused case management tailored to the needs of more than 70 formerly chronically homeless households around the central KY region. The Landlord-Tenant Liaison serves as a main point of contact for both program landlords and program participants as people transition from the streets to housing, and assists new tenants with lease-ups, best practice in tenancy management and maintaining housing on a multi-disciplinary team alongside case managers. All HST members work in tandem with the Housing Program Manager to provide community partner and agency training, as well as the Housing Navigator, to ensure access to the Any Door KY Coordinated Entry System. All HST Members use the VI-SPDAT and SPDAT common assessment and case management tools.
Homes for All is an AmeriCorps program that partners with agencies that address homelessness and expand safe, healthy, and affordable housing opportunities for economically disadvantaged Kentuckians. These HHCK Partner Agencies act as host sites for AmeriCorps members, who serve people who are homeless and/or economically‐disadvantaged. Homes for All Corps members can:
VISTA members build the capacity of non-profit partner agencies that work to address the Commonwealth’s affordable housing crisis through housing development, repair, and provision of housing and homeless services.
Your donation of at least $10 will add your name to the Coalition as an Advocacy Member. Your support helps HHCK serve low-income Kentuckians and our Partner Agencies that assist them.
Organization name
Homeless and Housing Coalition of Kentucky
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Economic Development , Humanitarian Aid
(502) 223-1834