Heartland Hunger and Resource Center Incorporated

A nonprofit organization

56 donors


Guiding Principle: Matthew 25: For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat...”

Mission Statement:

To alleviate hunger and food insecurity of those in Valley County and surrounding areas so that no one in McCall and surrounding areas goes hungry, no matter what the circumstances


 Heartland Hunger & Resource Center has been a food bank in  the McCall area  since 2000. It is supported by multiple churches and civic groups and is staffed by volunteers from the churches and the community. We rely on donations of food and finances to support the work.

The food bank is located presently at 163 Thula St. Bldg. 3, #5. McCall, Idaho. It is open every Wednesday from 4:00 – 6:00.


For further information, please go to our web site at www/hhrcmccall.org  or e-mail Friede Gabbert: eagabbert@yahoo.com


  •  Food Bank:  Recently, in the fall of 2013  we changed over to a “choice pantry” which allows  clients to choose their own foods  with the help of a volunteer. Currently HH&RC serves 500-700 people monthly, especially single parent families  Children comprise 40-50% of those whom we serve each week.
  •  Heartland Kids:   We   focuse on helping children with nutrition and education.  Among the programs we sponsor are: KidsPacks which provide fresh fruit on the weekends;  Kids' Market operates in the summer months, Christmas Gifts for Kids.;  Summer transportation for local reading programs ; and book fairs.
  •   “Woodstock”  (Community Wood Cutting Day). For  the fifth year, HH&RC sponsors this event the second week-end in July. Over 100 cords of wood are cut and delivered to  those unable to get their own wood for the winter.
  •  Partner with AFTIN  (Assistance for Transients in Need)  This is a community resource to help  transients  coming through Valley County. It is a one time assistance administered through a local board and the McCall Police Department.



For the last five years HH&RC-Food Bank has been serving  families out of a storage unit.  We’ve severely outgrown the 700 square foot space we are in.

In the spring of 2012, HH&RC signed a lease with Valley County for a building site.  Building plans have been donated, a reputable builder is overseeing  construction,  trades people are wanting to help.  The foundation was laid last fall and construction has begun again.  Completion is expected by end of summer.

 We’re excited about this opportunity to grow and to  help other.  Please join with HH&RC and help to build a permanent food bank home in McCall.


Organization Data


Organization name

Heartland Hunger and Resource Center Incorporated

Tax id (EIN)



PO BOX 1929
MCCALL, ID 83638