Organization name
Georgia Education Foundation Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Economic Development
759 West Peachtree Street NE, Suite 107Atlanta, Georgia 30308
404 589 1824
The Georgia Education Foundation provides educational opportunities to small business owners and entrepreneurs across the state of Georgia. The GEF is focused on targeted programs and training sessions that will help small business owners develop capacity and acquire the business acumen necessary to build sustainable and profitable enterprises. A 501c (3) non-profit that was established in 2012, the GEF assists small business owners and emerging entrepreneurs in their efforts to drive business growth, create jobs and strengthen communities in Georgia. The Foundation offers scholarships to small business owners to support a variety of key learning initiatives.
The Georgia Education Foundation is the education arm of the Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council – the state of Georgia’s leading supplier diversity and small business development advocacy organization. Key focus areas for the GEF include capacity, infrastructure, capital, business acumen and community. Funded by donations and foundation grants, the GEF offers training in a wide variety of areas necessary to build a successful business enterprise, such as:
GEF Programs –
Organization name
Georgia Education Foundation Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Economic Development
759 West Peachtree Street NE, Suite 107Phone
404 589 1824