Organization name
Future 4 Teens
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Community
16250 Northland Drive STE 204Southfield, MI 48075
Future 4 Teens (F4T) is changing-the-game of mental health by serving youth and young adults and training the next generation of culturally competent mental health providers.
Our core purpose is to heal the broken-hearted by providing fun and innovative therapeutic supports to youth. Sure! We offer "traditional" talk therapy, in an office, with a therapist for teens and families.
BUT, The magic of F4T is in our specialized services. We integrate therapeutic interventions into fun social and academic events.
What you may see on the surface is just a good time but what we are providing is truly a full time. An experience that is jam packed with 1) social interaction and fun, 2) skill and knowledge development, AND 3) therapeutic engagement.
* carefully expose youth to experiences outside of their comfort zone
* provide therapeutic interventions in social settings to promote collective community healing, health, and wellness
*provide support that is culturally responsive and developmentally appropriate
*create an environment of care that help youth flourish
We need your support to continue serving youth and families. We have served over 1500 youth with very little funding. Imagine what we can do with increased dollars and the support of more community partners!? We invite you to join us...
Check out our Featured Campaign - The August Accelerator! Don't forget to return here to our organization page to make your tax-deductible donation!
Just incase you need it...
*We have served over 2000 youth and provided nearly 10,000 hours of therapeutic support and intervention
* 98% of F4T participants report positive outcomes including: #1 greater self-efficacy, #2 hope about the future, #3 improvements in their relationships, #4 improved mood
* 87% of F4T youth reported an interest in continued therapeutic support
* Future 4 Teen counselors are highly skilled, trained, and culturally competent mental health providers
What do we stand for?
Take a look at our timeline!
Want to know more? Read the science...
Future 4 Teens A Community Based Therapeutic Model for African American Youth (FINAL).pdf
Organization name
Future 4 Teens
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Community
16250 Northland Drive STE 204