Organization name
Friends of Albania
Tax id (EIN)
International , Economic Development , Humanitarian Aid
4135 45th Street Suite 5ASunnyside, NY 11104
Friends of Albania (FOA) is a membership and charitable organization based in the United States. Its mission is to provide small project grants to Albanian organizations and individuals which are collaborating with Peace Corps Volunteers.
FOA was created in 2009 by Group 10 Peace Corps Volunteers as they left Albania with a collective feeling to continue the Peace Corps experience. This interest to create FOA was sparked by a desire to remember experiences, speak Albanian and connect with others who are interested in this special part of the world.
Now, FOA is providing assistance to charitable endeavors, including community self-help, development and educational projects in Albania through small grants to current Peace Corps volunteers working with local organizations.
FOA also organizes cultural and educational events to promote a better understanding of Albania by Americans and better understanding of the United States by the people of Albania.
FOA welcomes any person to donate and support its mission.
The current FOA Board of Directors is composed of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers who have served in Albania. The Board members are:
Friends of Albania is an official member group of the National Peace Corps Association.
Organization name
Friends of Albania
Tax id (EIN)
International , Economic Development , Humanitarian Aid
4135 45th Street Suite 5A