Friends of Fitzgerald Marine Reserve

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$5,000 Goal

The Friends of Fitzgerald Marine Reserve work for the protection and preservation of the Marine Reserve as a unique intertidal environment. We promote educational activities for school children, residents, visitors, researchers, to see and experience many elements of a variety of wildlife ecosystems. 

Every year, our volunteer naturalists take over 2,000 school children on guided tours of the intertidal environment, and introduce thousands of other visitors to the wonders of our rocky coastline. We also organize beach cleanups, staff the FMR visitor center, and hold other events that combine family fun with learning about and protecting our environment.

Our chief expense each year is funding multiple scholarships for High Moon Bay High School students to further their studies of marine biology and related fields. 

Organization Data


Organization name

Friends of Fitzgerald Marine Reserve

Tax id (EIN)



Education Environment Animals


PO BOX 669