Organization name
The Foundation for Economic Democracy
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Economic Development
291 Nieto AveLong Beach, CA 90803
Our Mission:
is to help create democratically governed community projects and worker owned businesses where workers, their families and their communities can all live and thrive with dignity.
We wish to work toward a society that promotes the expansion of an economy that is rooted in the dignity and well-being of working people, especially historically marginalized ones, while also improving their quality of life through cooperative community-wealth building.
Theory of Change:
Our goal is to create and expand as many well paying, green jobs with dignity for working people by advancing programs that empower communities to develop their skills and organizing potential to create cooperative democratic ownership of their jobs and their communities.
By increasing cooperative ownership we seek to change toward a sustainable economic model with democratic workplaces and projects where those who work and participate are able to make decisions and feel valued and dignified in investing their time at work and on these projects and where workers collectively share in the value generated by their labor.
Core Values:
In envisioning more just and democratic economies and communities we aim to advance the following core values
• Dignity
for workers and communities. Everyone deserves to live and work with dignity.
• Democracy
and collaboration in all forms of decision making so that people have input and feel valued.
• Work
We value the labor that people put into their crafts. Workers and communities should collectively reap the rewards from
their labor.
• Empower
community members to create and participate in democratic enterprises and democratic community-based programs.
• Organize
and develop leaders to meet the challenges of developing a democratic economy and democratic communities.
• Community
We seek to develop a culture that promotes community collaboration.
Organization name
The Foundation for Economic Democracy
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Economic Development
291 Nieto Ave