Organization name
Drew Health Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health , Children & Family
PO BOX 50997E PALO ALTO, CA 94303
Drew Health Foundation, Inc. is a not for profit 501 (c) (3) established in May 1967. Its original mission focused on the provision of medical and dental care and health information and screenings to residents of East Palo Alto. In the 90's as the County of San Mateo expanded its provision of health care, Drew refocused on health screenings, preventive care, providing the community health information and added a strong emphasis on supporting the youth of the community. Drew also has a long history of providing low-income (Section 8) housing to women in need in East Palo Alto.
Drew uses its endowment and resources to support other local charities both monetarily and with in-kind services. Some examples are:
1. East Palo Alto Children's Day Committee - This is a summer event for the children of East Palo Alto and surrounding communities, This program provides backpacks and school supplies for students in need.
2. East Palo Alto Senior Center - The EPA Senior Center provides complete meals at mid-day; as well as social, intellectual and physical activities, nutrition education and the opportunity to volunteer at a variety of fulfilling assignments. We partner with the Senior Center on many events.
3. Ecumenical Hunger Program - Since 1975, the Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP) has helped families and individuals experiencing economic and personal hardship. EHP plays a major role in both advocating for, and providing referrals to resources available to families and individuals in our community.
4. East Palo Alto Greyhounds - Donations to this organization help pay for materials, supplies, equipment and travel opportunities for our youth track team.
5. Shule Mandela Academy - Celebrates the culture and history of traditional African American soul food and music, i.e., The Collard Green Festival.
6. Ravenswood Little League - Provides sports and fitness to children between the ages of 9 to 12.
7. EPA Teen Home - The East Palo Alto Teen home provides a home for teenage girls 12 to 17 who have come from juvenile hall, child protective services and social services.
8. YUCA - Youth United for Community Action, is a community organization created, led, and run by young people of color, the majority from low-income communities. They provide a safe space for young people to empower ourselves and work on environmental and social justice issues to establish positive systemic change through grassroots community organizing.
9. East Palo Alto Boxing Club - This organization was founded in 2003 to give young people of East Palo Alto and at risk fo joining gangs or becoming involved in criminal activities, a place to work out and relieve stress and provide a better way to channel negative energy into something positive.
10. Friends of the East Palo Alto Library - Support for Friends of the East Palo Alto Library is a Library group that is organized to bring many people together to ensure we have a thriving Library in the community. We have supported several of their community events.
11. Bayshore Kiwanis Club was established in 1995 and has the mission to offer hands-on support to many agencies and community service organizations in East Menlo Park and East Palo Alto. We have support their Annual East Palo Alto Al Julian Track and Field Meet.
Organization name
Drew Health Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health , Children & Family
PO BOX 50997