Organization name
Davis School Arts Foundation
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture
2230 Lassen PlaceDavis, CA 95616
DSAF was founded by Patricia Hershberger in 1981 in the wake of the Gann Initiative which eliminated funding for arts programs in the elementary public schools. Ms. Hershberger had the idea to restore arts funding to the public schools by raising money through a matching funds foundation. The foundation would donate money to the district as long as the district matched that money with funds of its own. In the summer of 1981, this unique community-district partnership was formed. Ms. Hershberger assembled seven other like-minded people, and the Davis School Arts Foundation was born. It has since been, and continues to be, only through the generous contributions of members in the private and business community of Davis that the DSAF and the DJUSD are able to keep the arts available to all students in our public schools.
Most recently DSAF has funded the Davis Art Center Art Kit for all 5th grade students, supported the Education Through Music Support for 4th grade students and made site grants available to all elementary schools in the Davis Joint Unified School District. We continue to explore how we can provide quality art education equitably throughout the school district, support teachers and encourage a love of art for all students.
Organization name
Davis School Arts Foundation
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture
2230 Lassen Place