Organization name
Cornerstone Schools of Washington, D.C.
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family
3742 Ely Place SEWASHINGTON, DC 20019
Our Mission:
Through a partnership of family, school, and community, Cornerstone provides a Christ-centered, nurturing, and academically rigorous education to the children of Washington, DC, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become leaders who serve others in light of Christ and His Truth.
Who We Serve:
In 1998, Cornerstone started with 23 students in 2 grades. Today, with 158 students from kindergarten through 12th grade, Cornerstone continues to serve families in a low-income area of DC. Over 98% of Cornerstone's students are African American, and over 60% come from households that qualify for free or reduced lunches (a key poverty benchmark in public education).
How We Serve:
Cornerstone educates students using a classical curriculum that encourages a genuine love of learning and an ability to think critically. The majority of incoming students are one to three years below grade level in areas such as math or reading, and committed teachers work tirelessly to help them catch up and eventually thrive academically. Teachers and staff also share the hope of the Gospel with students, encouraging them to understand their God-given dignity and pursue a greater vision for their future.
Financial Aid:
Students' families desire an alternative to the weak DC public school system, but most cannot afford an elite, private education. Cornerstone seeks to be financially accessible to the community it serves, with its socio-economic and racial diversity.
100% of Cornerstone families receive some type of financial aid, working closely with our staff to ensure that their children are able to be a part of a school that educates the whole person.
Over 50% of Cornerstone's funding comes from generous individual donors.
We need your help to achieve Cornerstone's goals:
Educate the Mind
Nurture the Spirit
Transform the Community
Please email or call to learn more about the school, needs, and different ways to invest in students' lives.
** Some of you have thoughtfully expressed concern over fees associated with online giving. If you would prefer to write a check in support of Cornerstone's work, please address it to "Cornerstone Schools of Washington DC" and mail it to:
Cornerstone Schools
PO Box 76456
Washington, DC 20013
Thank you for caring!
Organization name
Cornerstone Schools of Washington, D.C.
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family
3742 Ely Place SE