Organization name
Coeur D'alene Public Library Foundation Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community
702 E. Front Avenue Coeur d'Alene Public LibraryCOEUR D'ALENE, ID 83814
Here at the Coeur d'Alene Public Library Foundation, we believe that a healthy library makes for a healthy community. We strive to fund projects that meet the greatest needs in our well as build on our endowment to ensure a healthy library for years to come!
Current Projects:
A series of four courses are offered every other month for adults who are hoping to ease the stress of rapidly advancing technology... and who just want to get a handle on the basics!! We encourage participants to take all four courses in order to graduate from the status of "Digital Fugitives" to "Digital Immigrants". The course materials cover the following: (1)Getting to know your mouse (2) Navigating Microsoft Office Word (3) Internet 101 (4) Resume templates and Saving Documents
The Mudgy Moose Trail was inspired by the Mudgy & Millie children's book written by Coeur d'Alene author Susan Nipp and illustrated by renowned artist Charles Reasoner. The story follows Mudgy Moose as he searches for his friend Millie Mouse along the shores of Lake Coeur d'Alene during a game of hide-and-seek. The trail encourages children of all ages to exercise outdoors while reliving Mudgy's adventures through scenic downtown Coeur d'Alene.
Explore the world right here in your own back yard! Novel Destinations are presentations on exploration that are open to the community. Local community members show pictures and videos of their travels and give a first hand perspective on these exotic destinations!
Organization name
Coeur D'alene Public Library Foundation Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community
702 E. Front Avenue Coeur d'Alene Public LibraryPhone