Organization name
Civitan Foundation, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
12635 N 42nd StreetPhoenix, AZ 85032
Since 1968, Civitan Foundation, Inc. has focused on enriching the lives of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities through innovative and person-centered learning experiences that promote self-esteem, self-expression, community integration, and independence.
Across Arizona, Civitan Foundation, Inc. provides high-quality programs for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities that promote opportunities for greater independence, inclusivity, and an enhanced quality of life. Since the founding of Camp Civitan, Civitan Foundation, Inc. has continually developed dynamic programs and services to meet the needs of our members and their families providing specialized education, healthy living, life skills, socialization, job training, employment, and family support to 300 members per day (1000+ annually).
Our primary programs and services include:
CAMP CIVITAN: Our flagship program, providing sleep-away summer and weekend camp experiences in Williams, AZ.
CIVITAN VILLAGE: A creative community campus that fosters collaborations with industry experts to enhance member growth and experiences.
DAY TREATMENT: Daily interactive programs that develop life skills and foster social engagement.
EDUCATION & EMPLOYMENT: Career training, placement, and support in positions matched to each person's talents and aspirations.
GROUP RESPITE: Community outings and social activities offering recreation for members, and rest for families.
HCBS: Habilitation, Attendant Care, and Respite services offered in the home and in the community.
RESPITE RANCH: A home away from home, care when you need it experience for members and families providing overnight reservation-based and emergency care. Open 365 days/year. SPECIALIZED PROGRAMS: Enrichment programs that foster growth in the areas of fine arts, culinary, theater, sports, media, and technology.
STATEWIDE SERVICES: We support families across the state of Arizona, with locations in Phoenix, Chandler, and Williams.
YOUTH VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: An education-based youth program that promotes inclusion and builds awareness about individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Accessible Camping Experiences
"His experience at camp this summer, oh my gosh, just amazing. The care that they took of him, and Mark has a lot of medications and he's diabetic, they did it so seamlessly." -Holly, Sister
Person-Centered Learning
"I know from our experience how amazing it is for me to be able to send Jacob to a place where the staff is really well trained and understand how to interact with Jacob in a way that's respectful and allows him to fully participate, and grow, and learn things, but not at a rate or in a way that's frustrating." -James, Father
Gainful Employment
"I love dressing the mannequins and doing the display cases. I love seeing my work on display. My favorite thing is when a customer buys one of my mannequin displays. It makes me feel proud." -Tracy, Member
"A lot of joy has come from working in the kitchen because it's given me a sense of purpose, and the knowledge I gain I like to share with other people so they too will know the joy of the kitchen. " -Jessica, Member
"Every single job skill I've learned at Civitan has taught me something different, has taught me more responsible, has taught me to be a little bit more serious, has taught me to be on time, has taught me to get up a little bit earlier. If I didn't' have those jobs skills, I would not be the man I am today." -Santiago, Member
Organization name
Civitan Foundation, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
12635 N 42nd Street