Organization name
Childhelp, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Children & Family, Community
6730 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 150Scottsdale, AZ 85253
Please join us to take action for kids at risk for child abuse or neglect. We are calling on our community to support us during this time of uncertainty. For the love of a child, please consider a donation today to provide critical relief to the children entrusted to our care within Childhelp.
For everyone... this year is different. And this goes for our country's children. Unfortunately child abuse doesn't stop for a gets worse. Children are now forced to stay at home with their abusers and they are not visible to the social service and medical practitioners who typically report them.
Sadly we already have seen double-digit spikes in calls to the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline, related to COVID-19 fallout. And those numbers are only a shadow of what some children are experiencing in our country. Childhelp has helped more than 30,000 children in the state of Arizona and that's a start ... but there's still so much more to do.
We need your help now more than ever. Please take action - either as a donor, supporter, influencer, advocate or volunteer. Let's take action and give what you are able to give...for the love of a child. Visit our Critical Relief Fundraiser at
Childhelp Children's Center of Arizona Dedicated to Linda Pope (Advocacy Center)
Designed to significantly reduce the trauma of abuse, the advocacy center provides medical treatment, mental health therapy, efficient investigational resources, and victim support services to address the immediate safety and complete well-being of children referred to the center. Community partners include: Phoenix Police Department, the Office of Child Welfare Investigations, Phoenix Children's Hospital, Maricopa County Attorney's Office, and the Arizona Attorney General's Office.
Childhelp Mobile Advocacy Center of Northern Arizona
In partnership with the Safe Child Center at the Flagstaff Medical Center, the mobile advocacy center, provides investigative resources and victim support services to provide crisis intervention, forensic interviews and referrals for abused and neglected children and their families in Northern Arizona and the tribal communities.
Childhelp Arizona Community Center
The Childhelp Arizona Community Center provides low-income, at-risk families with after school childcare support, academic tutoring, self-esteem building, enrichment programs, parenting classes, health fairs, employment life skills, food/clothes drives and a host of other programs that encourage happy, secure families.
Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-4-A-CHILD
This 24/7 hotline, serving the United States, Canada, and all of its U.S. Territories, is staffed by degreed professional counselors with extensive experience in the field of child abuse and is the only national hotline that focuses specifically on child abuse related issues. This confidential and anonymous service offers crisis intervention, information, literature and referrals to emergency, social service and support resources. Through translators, the hotline can communicate in over 170 languages.
Childhelp Speak Up Be Safe
This research-based program is a Pre-K through 12th grade, comprehensive child abuse and bullying prevention education curriculum that equips students nationwide with skills they need to play a significant role in the prevention or interruption of abuse and bullying. Childhelp Speak Up Be Safe is delivered through an online virtual campus and covers topics such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, bullying and cyberbullying, all at an age appropriate level.
For more information about Childhelp's programs and services in Arizona, please go to
Sometimes the best therapists have four legs. Calhoun, a specially trained golden Labrador, was one of the most trusted members of the Childhelp team. When Sam, a 7 year old boy, was brought to the Childhelp Children's Center after witnessing his father shoot and kill his mother, Calhoun was there to greet him. "This pretty pup works with me here at Childhelp," the child welfare worker said. She pointed to a sign above the door. "You see that? 'All Who Enter Here Will Find Love.' You are safe now, Sam."
Sam was shocked silent by the violence he witnessed. His bruises suggested he too had been brutalized. Calhoun comforted him through his medical exam. A kind Childhelp doctor checked the little boy's foot, the dog's paw, the little boy's ear, and the dog's ear. "See, he's getting the same exam as you...
Organization name
Childhelp, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Children & Family, Community
6730 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 150