Organization name
Central Nevada Historical Society
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education
PO BOX 326 1900 Logan Field RoadTONOPAH, NV 89049
The Central Nevada Historical Society is a Nevada nonprofit public charity recognized as tax exempt by the IRS under section 501(c)(3) that maintains the Central Nevada Museum in Tonopah, Nevada and supports all its activities of preservation, exhibition, storage, maintenance, education, and legislative endeavors pertaining to the goals of CNHS and CNM.
Since 1981, the Central Nevada Museum has been open to the public. CNM is not just a museum, it also houses a large research library of Central Nevada area history, which includes, but is not limited to newspapers, photographs, books, videos, maps, blueprints, ledgers, documents, genealogy files and much more.
The Central Nevada Museum has remained a free museum over the years to ensure that all members of the public have equal access to our facility and no one will be denied entrance due to their economic status.
We have always relied on an operating budget from the County of Nye, Nevada, but due to budget constraints we are now having to operate on a budget that has been cut by 60%, and the Central Nevada Historical Society is looking for funds to help alleviate this shortfall. We are asking the public to donate towards keeping our museum open.
Organization name
Central Nevada Historical Society
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education
PO BOX 326 1900 Logan Field Road