Organization name
Central Kitsap Medic One Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Emergency responses for Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue (CKFR) continue to increase with the dramatic growth of the Central Kitsap region. The majority of 9-1-1 calls received by CKFR are medical in nature. The Central Kitsap Medic One Foundation supports the ever increasing cost of providing medical services to the residents of Central Kitsap.
Founded in 1996, our purpose is to provide supplemental support for the emergency medical service (EMS) activities performed by Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue for the citizens of the Central Kitsap area. Primary funding for EMS is provided by property taxes, however, budgets just don’t stretch far enough these days. The Foundation provides for needs that would otherwise be unmet in the CKFR budget.
The Foundation receives funding from people who believe in excellent EMS care for Central Kitsap County. Individual CKFR employees, patients or their families helped by CKFR, individual citizens in our community, grants from businesses and organizations, and donations/bequeaths in memoriam make up the majority of the Foundation's funding.
The Foundation collaborates with CKFR to identify and prioritize a list of equipment, resources, and services that will benefit citizens of the Central Kitsap region each year. Listed items that cannot be purchased through normal budgetary avenues are purchased with your donated dollars.
Some items funded by the Foundation include:
cardiology quality stethoscopes for use by the paramedics of CKFR
stair chairs for the CKFR ambulances to help transport patient down staircases or out of tight hallways in their home when a gurney won't fit
CO-Oximeters to help EMS crews diagnose carbon monoxide poisoning
CPR training mannequins and supplies to support CKFRs free community CPR training program
ventilators to help CKFR paramedics manage critically ill patients during transport to the hospital
automatic CPR devices to assist paramedics in treating cardiac arrest victims
Organization name
Central Kitsap Medic One Foundation
Tax id (EIN)