Carolina RIDES+ are VITAL RIDES!

A nonprofit organization

$12,555 raised by 12 donors

13% complete

$100,000 Goal

A Greenville leader of a Human Service Agency says, “The greatest challenges our clients have involve major transport obstacles - getting to work & critical activities.“ 

Carolina RIDES+ seeks to improve affordable mobility for all clients by delivering shared rides from home to critical destinations: jobs, education, training, healthcare, shopping, recreation, entertainment, etc.

Carolina RIDES+ is a non-profit improving Mobility for ALL working to provide VITAL RIDES in underserved communities like Nicholtown. Carolina RIDES+ acts to reduce trip costs for low-income households, reduce pollution, and boost economic development. 

WHAT: RIDES to VITAL needs! Trips are door-to-door, shared, demand-response!  Most trips are VITAL RIDES - to work, shop, dine, healthcare, learn, childcare, exercise, worship, fellowship, therapy, prescriptions, and other critical needs.  

WHO: ALL RIDERS who need improved access to a better quality of life: seniors, youth, veterans, poor, and people with special needs & disabilities, as well as choice riders.

HOW: Transport providers with ADA-certified vans and driver teams deliver rides! For example, South East Transport (SET) deliver RIDES+ services to ALL - people needing trips to VITAL needs, as well as to non-emergency medical treatment for ones with disabilities!

WHERE: Rides from homes to targeted destinations offering vital services, including grocery stores, banks, laundromats, community centers, senior centers, medical services, work, etc. 

Most people feel their rides are “vital” - impacting income, health, and quality of life for both “challenged” riders with transport barriers and “choice” riders wanting convenient mobility. 

With your help and donations, we can change lives. 

Organization Data


Organization name

Carolina RIDES+ are VITAL RIDES!

Tax id (EIN)



Community Economic Development


1907 Bethel Road
Simpsonville, SC 29681