Canine Partners For Life was founded in 1989 by Darlene Sullivan, a former special education instructor and animal trainer. The organization flourished and grew within her home until 1997 at which time the organization was in a position to purchase a 45 acre property. This property developed into the current campus which consists of an office building, canine housing unit, training center, and housing for our emergency weather staff member.
From the originating service dog program developed the home companion dog and residential companion dog programs. These programs helped CPL meet the increasingly diverse needs of its applicants and also helped to best utilize the wide range of skills and talents in the organization's dogs.
The prison puppy raising program (PPRP) developed when the organization's growth exceeded the number of available community puppy home volunteers. This highly successful program trains inmates in six area correctional facilities to raise and train the puppies for their first year of life.