Calvary Women's Services, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$6,000 Goal

Calvary Women’s Services is a local Washington, DC organization that provides housing, health, employment, and education programs for women experiencing homelessness.

Each woman who comes through our doors has unique needs. With the right services and encouragement, they are empowered to transform their own lives.

Our services ensure women have access to the proper trauma-informed healthcare and educational support they need to take positive steps toward independence. These programs include transitional and permanent housing, personalized case management, life skills and education opportunities, job training, health and wellness services, on-site therapy and daily addiction recovery meetings. At Calvary, we believe every woman has the strengths and gifts she needs to be successful. Each woman in our programs identifies and builds on her strengths, meeting her goals for safe housing, good health and financial independence.

Each year, of the women who complete our programs, an average of 70% end their homelessness.

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Organization Data


Organization name

Calvary Women's Services, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)



1217 Good Hope Road SE