Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation

A nonprofit organization

1,856 donors

CAASE addresses the culture, institutions, and individuals that perpetrate, profit from, or support sexual exploitation.  Our work includes prevention, policy reform, community engagement, and legal services.

PREVENTION: CAASE creates and implements educational curricula designed to encourage high-school-age men to work against sexual exploitation. 


POLICY REFORM: CAASE creates and advocates for legislative and policy reform that strives to: increase the legal and social accountability of sex traffickers, pimps, people who buy sex, and rapists; promote broad community support for victim services; and advocate that perpetrators pay for the sexual harm they cause.  CAASE also advises law enforcement, policy makers, and other stakeholders on best practices relating to sex trafficking, prostitution, and rape.


COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: CAASE works to prevent sexual exploitation by increasing public understanding of the harms inherent in the sex trade, including through research and the arts.  Additionally, CAASE develops toolkits for nonprofits, faith-based groups, schools, businesses, feminist groups, and other communities and individuals to provide tangible actions people can take against sexual harm.


LEGAL SERVICES: CAASE engages in civil litigation against perpetrators and facilitators of sexual harm, and advocates for appropriate and effective criminal prosecution of rapists, pimps, and people who buy sex.  We also advocate for public policies that increase the efficacy of criminal and civil laws against sexual violence and exploitation.



Organization Data


Organization name

Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation

Tax id (EIN)



307 N Michigan Ave Suite 1818
Chicago, IL 60601