Organization name
BMA TenPoint
Tax id (EIN)
Faith , Children & Family , Community
2010 Columbus Ave. Lower LevelRoxbury, MA 02119
The Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston (BMA), established in the early 1960s, is an alliance of over 100 faith-based and community-based organizations with a 50+ year history of serving the Black community in Boston. It's mission is to provide spiritual nurture for clergy, and advocacy and program services for the larger Black community. As part of it's mission, the BMA continues to demonstrate its ability to create positive change in the Boston area.
Today, the BMA and Boston Tenpoint Coalition has merged and is one of the most diverse and active organization in the city. It has active participation from churches representing over 20,000 parishioners. A convener of resources, acting as a clearinghouse that collects and redistributes funds and technical assistance to build the capacity and strengthen faith-based and community organizations. Current investments have served over 100 faith-based and community-based organizations which in turn have impacted over 10,000 youth and families in Boston’s underserved neighborhoods.
BMA TenPoint closely manages the following programs and services including: Vacation Bible School, Teen Cafes, Victory Generation School Program, BMA TenPoint Family Initiative, Fit Church/Fit Community, and the work of the Black Church Agenda.
A donation of any size would help us provide training, support, and expertise to these programs and impact thousands of individuals throughout the City of Boston.
For more information, please go to our website to view programs and contact information.
Rev. David Wright
Executive Director
Organization name
BMA TenPoint
Tax id (EIN)
Faith , Children & Family , Community
2010 Columbus Ave. Lower Level