Organization name
Aspiring Youth Academy (Inactive)
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Community
4400 N. Scottsdale Rd. #9818Scottsdale, AZ 85251
This fundraising campaign page is no longer active. Please donate to this page here instead.
The mission of Aspiring Youth Academy is to eliminate poverty in Arizona families by cultivating the entrepreneurial spirit in Arizona Youth
"Thank you for giving each and every one of us an opportunity to be a leader. Especially with your experience in pursuing Entrepreneurship" - Isabella Saminiego, Peoria E-Online
"Thank you so much for your dedication and giving us so many valuable opportunities" = Quyhn Ta, Cesar Chavez
"Thank you for the t-shirt design event, it's really helping out loads right now!" - T'Shaka Jackson, Marcos De Niza
"You've done an amazing job making sure we get to experience things not many kids do on a regular basis... all the great opportunities you give us :) Thanks for making AYA something we all get to be apart of as leaders!" - Alondra Mendoza, Independence High School
This past year I was most excited as a youth mentor to help the camp participants and instill a greater confidence in themselves and the belief that they can go out and achieve great things. -AYA Youth Mentor
Organization name
Aspiring Youth Academy (Inactive)
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Community
4400 N. Scottsdale Rd. #9818