Organization name
Artes De Mexico en Utah
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Community
209 E 500 SSALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111
$4,355 raised by 54 donors
87% complete
$5,000 Goal
Our mission is to build communities and a sense of belonging united by cultural connections through the appreciation and creation of art. Art in all its expressions is the pathway to reflect on our past and present to find commonalities among one another.
How we started
In 2010, we saw how an exhibit of Mexican art at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts drew the entire community together in celebration and positive interaction during a difficult political time. We formed Artes de México en Utah to use the power of art to build bridges in our diverse community. We developed our programming in response to requests from the community for traveling exhibits, films, literature, and classes that teach cross-cultural competence. Our audiences are multigenerational. According to the 2017 census bureau, 37 million people identify as Mexican in the country.
Our values celebrated in Summit County!
Multiculturalism is the core value of our programs. For three consecutive years, we have been an essential part of the planning and execution of the Latino Arts Festival in Park City, bringing new artists and art expressions.
At Summit Gardens, we have implemented our program, Born from Corn which focus on the celebration of the native foods of the Americas and the interconnection between NatureCulture-Sustainability. Our heritage - the cosmovision - is based on these three concepts that we must continue to preserve for the well-being of our planet.
Our community conversations, discussions and workshops provide inclusive and diverse perspectives of those identified as indigenous, mestizo and of African descendants born in Mexico, immigrants, those of Mexican/Latino heritage born in the U.S. and non-Latinos, to build understanding and cross-cultural competence.
We especially seek to help the Latino-Hispanic youth to connect with their roots and to be proud of being part of a multicultural heritage. We act as a community liaison between museums and educational institutions in SLC, Summit and Wasatch County to create programs that reflect our Mexican and Latino community.
We acknowledge and share the relevance of our living traditions, practices and language. Through our programs, our audiences become aware that many of our ancient traditions are alive in our daily practices, and that they enrich the diversity of our state. We acknowledge the preservation of such practices with respect and honor.
Your donation today will:
- help us bring our educational workshops about Mexican art all over the state
- help train bilingual Latino high school students to teach their classmates about Mexican art (something they put on their college applications!).
- provide honoraria to young scholars who share their knowledge of Mexican art and culture at our free community art + history classes.
- help with outreach for our first and only state-wide competition for original writing in Spanish.
- pay Latino artists to teach kids' art workshops at free community cultural celebrations.
- help fund our annual Mexican film tour. Screening of feature and short films from Mexican independent filmmakers!
Organization name
Artes De Mexico en Utah
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Community
209 E 500 S