Aid for Starving Children

A nonprofit organization

15 donors

Aid for Starving Children works across 12 countries to feed children, provide clean water systems, emergency relief assistance, homes for children and medical assistance to children and families demonstrating the highest levels of need. 

New Hope for Desperate Children

Aid for Starving Children (ASC) offers children a fresh beginning through programs which provide balanced meals, clean water, education, a loving home and more!

Feeding Programs:

With the help of our partners, ASC is able to provide millions of meals for desperate children each year throughout our network of orphanages, schools, emergency aid programs, children’s homes and feeding centers across Africa, Southeast Asia and Central America. These feeding programs work to save lives and ensure the healthy development of children in desperate need.

Clean Water Projects:

Access to clean water is a huge problem affecting millions of children across the globe. In many areas, women and children must walk hours to find water which is often contaminated by animal remains, human waste, parasites or bacteria. In an effort to put an end to the thousands of child deaths caused by water-borne illnesses annually, ASC works with local groups in Kenya to construct life-saving clean water systems and teach families basic hygiene.

War against AIDS:

The HIV/AIDS Epidemic continues to ravage millions across Africa, Southeast Asia, and beyond leaving countless children orphaned in its wake. ASC works with clinics on the ground in countries like Haiti, Kenya, and Uganda which focus on the treatment and prevention of these horrible diseases, as well as providing safe homes for the children left parentless due to HIV related deaths.

Homes for Children:

ASC supports Samaritan Centers for Orphaned and Abandoned Children which provide educational programs, nutritious meals, clean water, medical care, and the love and care of a home to children who otherwise would not have access to life’s most vital necessities.


Education is proven to be the single most effective tool in fighting the cycle of poverty and is a major emphasis of the work we do all over the world. We support schools in countries like the Philippines, Kenya, Uganda and Nicaragua which provide a priceless education to children, many of whom never imagined they would have the opportunity to attend school. 

Highlights from our Emergency Relief Team:

For nearly 20 years, ASC has sent its emergency relief team to deliver aid in regions suffering from the terrible effects of famine, natural disaster and wars. We make it our goal to seek out remote camps and villages cut off from most other Aid Organizations to provide assistance to those who have no other source of hope.

In Ethiopia, millions of children continue to experience the horrors of malnutrition. Recurrent droughts, high food prices, poverty and lack of agriculture are only a few reasons for the persistent levels of hunger, stunted growth and starvation among Ethiopian children. ASC seeks out secluded rural villages hosting endangered children and mothers, many of whom have completely lost hope for assistance, to provide emergency supply packs as well as special nutritional paste to combat malnourishment and starvation.

South Sudan has experienced continued unrest over the past year which has left hundreds of thousands of people displaced from their homes with few sources of food, security, or hope. Children always suffer most during war. In a region with few resources such as South Sudan the opportunity for a complete hunger disaster is ever present. Here our Emergency Relief Team travels via any means necessary to find desperate refugee groups to provide food, clean water, shelter and mosquito nets.  

One Ton Club

The ASC team would like to express our special thanks to ASC’s One Ton Club Donors, the group of compassionate individuals who have committed donations totaling $660 or more to provide over 6,000 meals each to help those in desperate need within one of our emergency relief programs!

Whether it is $10 or a full One Ton ($660), every donation helps!To find out more about the “One Ton Club” program please visit our website! 





Organization Data


Organization name

Aid for Starving Children

Tax id (EIN)







(707) 528-3499