Organization name
American Ferret Association Inc
Tax id (EIN)
(888) 337-7381
The American Ferret Association’s goals are to:
Promote the domestic ferret as a companion animal through public education such as shows, newsletters, legislative education, etc.
Protect the domestic ferret against anti-ferret legislation, mistreatment, unsound breeding methods, needless scientific research, and any practice deemed to lower the health standards or survivability of the animal.
Provide constant and up-to-date information on vets, research data, rescue shelters, and other information of interest to ferret owners and pet professionals.
Throughout the years, the AFA has initiated and continues to support the following ferret causes. Please join us in our fight to help even more ferrets in need!
• The Mongo Memorial Distemper Titer Study Fund
Due to the high incidence of vaccine reactions each year, the AFA believed it was necessary to do further research to determine if the possibility existed that we could be over-vaccinating our ferrets.
• Pamela Slack, DVM, Memorial Research Fund
The AFA started work on a grant program in 1999 to fill a void to specifically support research that would explicitly benefit the health and welfare of the domestic ferret.
• Ferret Rescue Spay/Neuter Fund Donation
The Ferret Rescue Spay/Neuter Fund was specifically set up to assist qualified shelters who take in intact (not spayed or neutered) ferrets, in order to rehabilitate and rehome the ferrets.
• Black Footed Ferret Recovery Fund Donation
The Black-footed Ferret Fund supports the recovery efforts for this endangered species.
• DIM Fund Donation
Disseminated Idiopathic Myositis (DIM) (aka "Polymyositis") is a disease that results in a severe inflammatory condition that primarily affects muscles (myositis).
• Educational Programs
The AFA sends out educational and medical handouts to individuals wanting to hand out up-to-date ferret information at their local educational event.
• Professional Symposia
The AFA is devoted to the health and welfare of all ferrets. We offer professional educational symposiums geared to ferret veterinarians and ferret breeders.
Organization name
American Ferret Association Inc
Tax id (EIN)
PO BOX 554Phone
(888) 337-7381