Organization name
The Alpha Delta Phi Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education
2242 N. Baldwin Way #5BPalatine, IL 60074
The Alpha Delta Phi Foundation, Inc., formerly known as The Samuel Eells Literary and Educational Foundation (SELEF), is a self-governing, charitable purpose corporation that accepts tax-deductible donations and makes grants to individuals and institutions of higher learning for literary, educational and other charitable purposes. The grants are intended to promote intellectual interest or achievement and are concentrated in qualified educational and literary programs associated predominantly with college and university students. The Foundation supports an Annual Literary Competition and provides funding for scholarships and leadership training, in addition to providing support for qualified individual projects. See our website at
When donating, please include your college and graduation year in the dedication field. Please note that a 2.2% online processing fee will be deducted from your donation.
In 1961, the Alpha Delta Phi Foundation was established on the principles of a natural born pioneer -- Samuel Eells (1810-1842). Eells believed in the good of mankind at a time when society focused primarily on one’s sins. While others paid penance for their daily transgressions, Eells celebrated the ingenuity of his peers and concentrated his faith in the opportunity of one's intellect. Well-studied in Greek, Latin, mathematics, and the sciences, Eells wished to expand the limits of the current, traditional curriculum. And so, he created a literary society at his university to investigate artful analysis of historical and sociopolitical revolutions, believing that the written word in itself had truths to tell.
Eells committed his life to the exploration of knowledge and self worth. And at every opportunity, Eells sought to include his neighbors in this quest and encouraged their personal growth as well. Despite living with a debilitating chronic condition, he studied, traveled, and worked at multiple professions to expand upon these ideals. So while his body may never have been strong, his character was indomitable.
Eells died at the age of thirty two. In honoring his legacy, this foundation was endowed in an effort to assist undergraduates' personal and intellectual growth. Our literary competition and scholarships serve to help motivate students in achieving academic excellence. In turn, our hope is that these beneficiaries will share the wealth of their talents and expertise through industry.
Organization name
The Alpha Delta Phi Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education
2242 N. Baldwin Way #5B