A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Rescue:Freedom International
Support this page and you will help to shave this beard for Jana's sake! I'm leveraging my beard to raise money to fight human trafficking.
raised by 57 people
$5,000 goal
From Jana Judd:
Chris and I have a united passion- to fight injustice. However, we aren't so united on our means of doing it- for me, I like to write music and share it for important causes, and Chris wants to grow his manly beard to raise awareness to fight human trafficking. So, Chris and I have been married for a little over 2 years now. Almost half of that time, I've been married to "The Beard." Now, I love and adore my husband, AND this cause, but I do prefer him with at most a five-o-clock shadow. :) So, we are BOTH working on this to raise as much money as possible so we can kick the evil of human trafficking (forced prostitution and forced labor of any kind) in its face. If you donate to my side of the cause, Chris will shorten his beard, and STILL continue to advocate for Rescue Beards- so it's a win/win, really.
My handsome man gets many questions about his beard, but I think I probably get even MORE questions about how I feel about it every week! My answer is always the same: I love HIM, and I believe in this cause, and he's a grown man . . . even if I'm not too crazy about his current quantity of facial hair. :) I support him unconditionally. AND I'd love to see his chin again, and be able to kiss him without worrying about leftovers getting in the way!
From Chris Judd:
I really like my beard. My wife really likes it...a lot shorter. We are united in our stand against slavery across the world.
So here is the plan: For the month of July, my wife and I are doing DUAL fundraisers with the same goal--to raise as much money as we can to rescue victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. You can either give to the GROW IT page (here: ) or you can give to the SHAVE IT page (by donating on this page!). All the money given goes to the Project Rescue Foundation to bring freedom to women and children and restore lives broken by sexual slavery.
Whichever of these accounts has more money donated by July 31st, wins. If the SHAVE IT page raises more money, then my double chins will be on display for all to see. If the GROW IT page raises more money, I get to let this thing grow for the rest of 2012.
So if you want to see this beard go away, this is your page! Give and keep checking in so that Jana can see my face again!
Visit Project Rescue's website to find out what they do to help rescue and restore victims of sex trafficking.