CARE Nepal

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Donate to CARE Nepal Earthquake Relief Efforts


raised by 242 people

$20,000 goal

On 25 April 2015, a devastating earthquake struck between the Nepalese capital Kathmandu and the city of Pokhara.

The needs in response to this catastrophe are immense.  CARE staff are on the ground providing people with temporary shelter, ready-to-eat meals, water purification, and toilet construction. 

More than 5,000 people have reportedly died and this number is expected to rise.  People urgently need clean water, emergency shelters and medical assistance.

Many people have lost everything.  Food, clothing, bedding and household items lay buried under ruins of people’s houses.  That’s why CARE’s initial response will provide emergency supply kits (or CARE Packages) of tarps, blankets, jerry cans and toiletries.

CARE’s emergency specialists from across the world are now in Nepal, and CARE has over 150 staff in Nepal already working in the majority of the most affected districts.  CARE has launched an urgent appeal for funds to help those hit by this devastating earthquake.

Click here to learn more about CARE Nepal earthquake relief efforts.

Thank you!

In the U.S., donations are tax-deductible; in other jurisdictions, please check applicable laws.

(NOTE for NON-U.S. DONORS: When entering your credit card information, please leave the default "State/Province" as it is -- Alabama.)

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