Organization name
Dance Exchange Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Community
(301) 270-6700
It’s a great time to get out, take a walk and notice how the world is turning green all around you. Why not consider giving a little green in return? Dance Exchange is leading the field for its green practices, in our studios and beyond. Read on to learn about how your dollars can support our green efforts, and how you can make green, clean choices for your own home, too.
GIVE: by donating $ to DX, you support...
• The creation and touring of environmentally-focused dance works such as Cassie Meador’s How To Lose a Mountain (which premieres this weekend at Dance Place!) and the research and development for a new work inspired by the environmental writer Rachel Carson.
• The Green Choreographer Residency Program, a new DX initiative where we invite environmentally--driven artists from across the country to have a space for creative research in DX studios and in our community. This past year, we welcomed Amara-Tabor Smith and Jill Sigman. We are planning to build on the successes of this year’s program by offering the residency to more artists in the future, but we need your support to make it happen!
• The greening of our DX studios in Takoma Park- in an ongoing effort to make sure that our home is as green as we are, we are working to make environmetnally friendly choices about our paper products, energy consumption, and lighting options. All of these choices come at a cost, but your donation could help us with larger renovations like replacing our HVAC system, to smaller needs like getting planters for the entryway.
GO: make the switch to green energy
Dance Exchange is now running on 100% wind power. Within minutes, your home can be too! As a participant in the Green Neighborhood Challenge, Dance Exchange is partnering with Clean Currents to encourage you to take a few simple steps to reduce your carbon footprint and support domestic, clean energy sources at little to no extra cost. When you make the switch, Clean Currents will donate $30 to support Dance Exchange!
How Does It Work? In Maryland and DC we have the power to CHOOSE our electricity supplier. With Clean Currents, you can choose to put the money you are already spending on your electricity bills towards supporting wind power! You don’t have to own your home, you just have to pay your electricity bills.
• No installations or switching fees
• Same dependable power to your home
• Continue to receive just one utility bill
• Fixed rates that are competitive or lower than what your utility offers
Make sure to type in “Dance Exchange” as your “Green Neighborhood Challenge group” when you enroll so we get the credit. If you have any questions about making the switch, call Clean Currents at 301-754-0430 x3 or email
To a Greener Community!
Organization name
Dance Exchange Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Community
7117 MAPLE AVEPhone
(301) 270-6700